The South African Risk and Vulnerability Atlas is an open access data platform that unites data to solve complex interconnected problems.SARVA is an initiative of the Department of Science and Innovation and forms a 10-year Global Change Grand Challenge.The Atlas is a living collection of global change resources – including scientific data and long-term observations, static content, references to documentation and reports, and other digital objects.
A collection of maps and dashboards centred on various themes, providing detailed insights into the geographical distribution and impacts of global change grand challenges.
Interactive reports and articles offering detailed insights, findings, and perspectives on a range of global change challenge themes and topics.
Collection of meticulously curated open-access datasets, available in a variety of formats. Each dataset has been carefully organised under-themed groups.
The world is facing a number of complex global challenges or risks. These include changes in the climate system as well as changes in biophysical and human systems such as urbanisation, deforestation, biodiversity loss and, more recently, the rise of pandemics.
Tracking risks and identifying the susceptibility of communities, settlements, or ecosystems to these risks will assist in building more sustainable economies and societies that are more resilient.
SARVA 3.0 presents the spatial and temporal characteristics of a growing number of risks facing South Africa in order to enable decision-makers to identify vulnerable regions, ecosystems and communities.
SARVA 3.0 provides access to datasets and interactive visualisations of 53 vulnerability indicators that can be used to measure the ability of environmental, economic, and social systems to cope with global change.
The district-level Sustainable Development Goal indicator tool links higher spatial and temporal resolution data from a variety of sources to each of the 17 SDGs and associated targets and indicators. We currently have data that covers 15 out of the 17 goals. Click on the SDG logos to view each of the data collections