Mapping the way to a resilient future

South African Risk & Vulnerability Atlas

The South African Risk and Vulnerability Atlas is an open access data platform that unites data to solve complex interconnected problems. SARVA is an initiative of the Department of Science and Innovation and forms a 10-year Global Change Grand Challenge.The Atlas is a living collection of global change resources – including scientific data and long-term observations, static content, references to documentation and reports, and other digital objects.

Open Datasets
Risk Profiles
Vulnerability Indicators
Data + SDG Indicators

Climate Risk Report

The South African Risk and Vulnerability Atlas (SARVA) and the South African Environmental Observation Network (SAEON) have developed a comprehensive Climate Risk Report for the Presidential Climate Commission. This report offers an in-depth analysis of South Africa’s climate dynamics, focusing on observed and projected changes in weather patterns and their implications for various sectors.

Featured Products

SARVA is home to a growing number of themed based atlases that investigate the spatial characteristics of risks and exposure.

SARVA Climate Risk Tool

The SARVA Climate Risk Tool is a local decision support tool that provides spatial information on historical climate data, projections, and impacts, using data from expert sources such as SAEON, DEFF, CSIR, the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology, and the Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia.

BioEnergy Atlas

The BioEnergy Atlas is an initiative funded by the Department of Science and Innovation and implemented by the South African Environmental Observation Network (SAEON). This interactive dashboard presents findings from the BEA 1.0 feasibility analyses, providing regional context on which BioEnergy options are viable in each area.

Environmental Vulnerability

An environmental risk and vulnerability profiler based on the 2018 National Biodiversity Assessment (NBA) data which was conducted by the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI).

African Air Quality (PM2.5) Predictions

The African Air Quality (PM2.5) Predictions dataset provides daily PM2.5 estimates for 1,466 cities across Africa from 2019 to 2020 to support air quality monitoring and policy development.

The 2017 Agriculture Census

This census is a nationwide survey of commercial agriculture that provides financial and production performance data covering farm ownership, income, land use, and agricultural workforce data.

SDG 3 Atlas

Decision-ready data in support of health SDGs for South Africa. The data provided is at Local Municipality scale and includes data on HIV, TB, non-communicable diseases, smoking, and health care workers.


NCCIS contains climate related data and information from a range of sources for the purposes of providing insights into the country’s progress in responding to climate change and achieving SDGs.

Natural Disasters of South Africa

This is based on data from the Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT) by CRED, visualizes the number of geophysical, meteorological, hydrological, and climatological natural disaster events across South African from 1952 to 2023 

Navigating South Africa's Future

Discover how the South African Risk and Vulnerability Atlas (SARVA) turns complex climate data into powerful insights for a more resilient future.